VIP fragments and missions


I received some in-game fragments of a VIP invitation. What does it mean?

We've prepared a lot of new game modes in the Codenames app. They are special, so if you want to play them, you need a special secret agent’s VIP invitation. To complete one, you need to collect six fragments. When you complete it, you can tap on the invitation and choose the VIP mission you want to play. Remember, there are three rarity tiers of VIP missions - bronze, silver, and gold. The VIP missions are bigger, more complex, and are full of even bigger rewards on higher tiers.

What are VIP missions?

VIP missions have special rules. There are many types. When you have enough VIP fragments, the app gives you a chance to take a VIP mission. Good luck!

The special rules are mentioned on the VIP invitation, and you can find them in a game by tapping a button in the upper right corner.

Can I choose a VIP mission I want to play?

When you complete your VIP invitation, the game offers you at least two VIP missions to play (it can be more, thanks to upgrades). If you don’t like the offering, you can refuse them. In that case, you receive half of the fragments needed for this offer (three out of six). If you want to prepare a combination of VIP missions and word collections, you can do it in Friendly games. All VIP missions you’ve ever played are unlocked in the Friendly games.

Where can I find VIP fragments?

There are two primary sources of VIP fragments: you can find them when you flip the card in the game and as a reward for some achievements. If you want more of them, focus on some upgrades that can help you.

What VIP mission can be found in the game?

This is the list of all new VIP missions. You can find more of them in the game because each exists on a larger scale or as a thematic mission.

Higher Stakes

A big mission with big rewards ... and three assassins.

Fortunately, each operative has a rewind gadget they can use once per game. #rewind

Three/Two/One Strikes

A big mission with no assassins. However, if a team contacts their third/second/first bystander, they lose!

Nine Warnings

Nine cards are marked. It is known that three of those cards are red, three of them are blue, and three are assassins!

Keep Guessing

There is no limit on the number of guesses after each clue, and hitting a bystander does not end your turn. But beware of two assassins!


Before giving a clue, the spymaster can secretly swap the colors of two unrevealed non-assassin cards. Those two cards cannot be converted the next turn. #convertor

Paralyzer Gadgets

Operatives have two paralyzer gadgets that can make opponents skip their turn.

Quantum Gadgets

Operatives have three quantum gadgets for guessing safely.

Detector Gadgets

Operatives have two detector gadgets for scanning part of the board.

Rewind Gadgets

Five assassins and enough rewind gadgets to undo up to two mistakes.

Billiard Ending

To win, you must not only find all your agents, but also contact the assassin on your last turn. If you haven't already found all your agents, hitting the assassin gives you unlimited guesses: either you find all of your remaining agents that turn, or you lose.

Agents Only

There are no bystanders and assassins, just 10 agents of each color. You win if you contact 8 of them, 7 if you play second.

All or Nothing

The spymasters can only give zero or infinity clues.


Your agents are in a symmetrical pattern, horizontal, vertical, or diagonal mirror image. The other team's axis of symmetry may be the same or different. Operatives have unlimited guesses.


A big mission. Each card you contact tells you how many of your agents are among the surrounding cards. There is no limit on the number of guesses.


This is a smaller mission in which spymasters do not see what cards were contacted by operatives; they just know the color of each contacted card.

I don’t know how to use some gadgets.

The best way to learn how they work is to tap on a banner in the upper right corner of the VIP mission. There, you will find the description with a short animation that explains how it works.